Welcome to Limitless Living Resources
with Dorinda Fox

You are invited to connect and explore your inner awareness, joy and growth in multiple dimensions. 

  • Do you find yourself looking for more joy and deeper meaning in your life?
  • Are you searching for solutions to being overly sensitive to those around you, self-doubt and anxiety?
  • Do you experience uncertainly about your role in your relationships, your community and the world
  • Could you use new ways to connect with your authentic self, higher Spirit & inner guidance?

You may have heard that “your answers are within,’ but do you know & see and really trust how you can access them?

Begin here NOW. Get ready for deeper insights, fulfillment, and feeling your inner freedom.

Dorinda Fox

Educator & Consultant

Greetings from Dorinda Fox

I mentor individuals how to find inner peace and cultivate their creativity. With better communication, a person can overcome perceived limits and find their unique life purpose

Accessing spiritual guidance is a means to tap answers, healing, wisdom and creativity from the highest Source.

My services include private spiritual consultations based on the high standards of Wayshowers College and other professional training.

I also offer professional workshops that are fun and insightful. Group activities encourage clear communication through the use of interactive energy techniques.

Professional Workshops

Fun group activities that encourage clear communication through the use of interactive techniques

Connect with Your Angels

Learn how to ask your Angels questions and receive immediate replys. Realize you are never alone and help is nearby.

Informational Newsletter

Dorinda has an important free gift for you. A special report on, "You, Your Purpose, Your Intuition". Gain deeper insights.

Watch New Spiritual Horizons

Watch an inspiring video about our community programs and people who have participated.

Watch and Learn More About Us

Additional information about New Spiritual Horizons community programs and what you will experience.

Presenting New Spiritual Horizons
Community Programs

New Spiritual Horizons community classes and consultations will help you find answers you wished you had found earlier in your life.

Our core methods help you gain a deeper awareness of

  • Experiencing a life transition
  • Health crisis
  • Major life decision
  • Desire for change
  • Creative roadblock
  • Tired from stress
  • Desire to tap into that “something more” in your life direction

Meet other like-minded people and spiritual mentors who appreciate where you are coming from.

I will help you find what you’re looking for through inner communication and spiritual tools. Spirituality is more than finding inner fulfillment, but harnessing energy to better understand those around us. Create your joyful, harmonious and successful environment.